I really don't have anything against Germans - Alex's Car Scheisse now ready!
It's easy to just think I don't much care for Germany, if you watch my latest video efforts on Alex's Carmageddon. Alex's Car Scheisse (as it Sheisse porn - there's not an 'R' in it). In this one, I'm driving from Munich to Berlin, averaging 90MPH - in a very slow, Mercedes B Class.
It's not that I dislike Germany or Germans - the sausage in Munich and the Kebabs in Berlin would blow your very mind. That said, driving on the Autobahn ain't no 101 Freeway. I'd rather leave it up to the video series to tell you more. Do check it out at http://www.youtube.com/user/LAMPGMovie
Alex's Carmageddon and this latest episode is also available on iTunes
Labels: germany cars sheisser shizer porn sausage kebab munich berlin autobahn video